
ramblings of an eternal dieter

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off the wagon somewhat

but I haven’t cracked into the chocolate yet!! haha.

I think every single muscle in my body hurts, thanks to my training session…argh.

Fighting with an on/off migraine for about 3 days too… good times.


I went out for a 2 mile walk today as well, knackered or what!


covered in spots and coldsores and feeling completely meh.

Wish I understood my body and what it needs so I could give it to it..

Going out for pizza & booze tonight.  Got some damage limitation with the low sugar barcardi breezers, but pizza will just be pizza.

I had an insanely hard session at the gym with my personal trainer (750 calories in half an hour!!) so it should cover some of it hopefully!





exercise….. smexercise.

I’ve been a bit lackadaisical on the ol’ exercise front recently.  Couldn’t seem to summon the neeeed to get back after christmas.  Been having weekly personal trainer sessions, and that is it.  But now its time for action.

I’m a bit worried that i’m doing something wrong (or overdoing it?) when i’m at the gym, because I tend to take horrendous anaphylaxis type reactions, and my throat starts to swell up, and my skin itches like insanity.  Could I be allergic to exercise?  Would that not be a little too ironic?  I mean I trust my p.t with my life, but I’m just worried that throwing a 20 stone body around is just a little too much…

I’m getting minimal in the way of arthritic pain.. apart from my heels which get aggravated after too much weight bearing exercise.  Considering my size I’m really getting away with murder in that sense.  I’m not very fond of the treadmill, and do lots of interval training so I think that helps bucketloads on joint impacting..

Currently working on this silly plank exercise… VERY hard.  I’ll conquer it if it kills me.

I signed up for kettlebell training which is likely to start up in March.  £50 and I get my kettlebell to keep… woo. Lurrrrvvvee kettlebells ❤


On the food front I’m being very good again, can’t complain 🙂 I’m aiming to get at least 3 pounds next week, so I’ll have a half stone off in two weeks.  Get.

Weigh in #1

…and i’ve lost 4 lbs!  Woo.

Seems like a lot of Weightwatchers really dislike the new propoints plan… I can see why.  On the old points system I coulda lost double the weight that I did today.

Had my weigh in then had the normal naughty Tues evening.  Burger & chips.  And a good dose of chocolate, followed by a skinny latte.   That’s my weeklies spent and done.

I think I like using them first because:

1/ They are out of the way for no tempting later on, back on to the stricter diet.  I have to do it once in a week, if I had treats daily there’s too much chance of me just giving up and binging again.   I’m the type of person who opens the biscuit tin and has to finish the whole packet, rather than having one a day…

2/ if you use them later on in your weigh week, you are more likely to put on, and erase all of the good work of the earlier days of the week

Today I’m thinking about doing a supplement diet for a few reasons.  I find that I’m giving up way too soon on my diet because of the MONUMENTAL struggle.  I’ve got 7 stone to lose… losing a stone in itself takes hard work and effort.  I tend to get somewhere then just… give in.  I’m just so extremely addicted to carbs & sugars that my body just throws insane cravings at me.   A bit of ketosis might do my system a bit of good… I’m gonna stick with WW for a while because it is working, and supplements are horrendously expensive!


I’m dreading the weekend because I’m sure the pub will be involved somehow & I never manage to resist junk when I’ve had a few!!

Back on track

at last.

As I was back at work today’s eating was a lot better, always seems to be as I have to be a little more organised than normal…. and I don’t miss meals like yesterday due to sleeping in!!


(46 points to play with)

B: Porridge (3) & milk (4).

L: Corned beef sandwich :3  (bread (4) corned beef (2) mayo (1) red sauce (1)
Walkers lights (3)
2x weightwatchers yoghurts (2)
Apple (0)

D: 6 Fish fingers (8)
Microwavey chips (7)
tin of sweetcorn and a smidgen of flora (3)
Dominoes garlic & herb dip (3)

Bringing my total to….. 41

Now I’m going to treat myself to a Skinny Latte @ 2 propoints.  Woo.  Gave myself a margin of error with a couple of points for the G&H dip.  Guesstimated using the propoints for the equivalent full fat mayo.


As you can see thats a fair bit o’ eating!!  As a reference, a weightwatcher gets points allocated based on weight, age, height and gender.  I’m pretty tall, young and overweight… so I get a lot of points compared to a goal weighter (usually 29).

As well as the variable dailies, a Weightwatcher, regardless of the above factors, will get 49 extra propoints per week.  These are for additional treats, or just simply more food.  I had an enormously bad day on Wednesday and had a little binge (pizza, thankfully nothing else) so I discounted my weeklies.

I’m not hugely confident about weigh in day tomorrow, fingers crossed!!!


So today wasnt a complete blowout… but it wasn’t good either…

todays eatings:

  • tea & millionaires shortbread (8 points?)
  • Corned beef sandwich – extra light flora, extra light mayo, red sauce. (bread 4, mayo 1, sauce 1, corned beef 2?)
  • Microwave chips (7)
  • Two low fat yoghurts (no idea)
  • Porridge & semi skimmed milk, (about 3) with a nutrigrain bar. (4)
  • BINGE – caramel egg (4?), & a dash of malibu in Coke Zero.(??)

Random and haphazard eating… no proper meal in there at all…

Must do better tomorrow. The daily routine of work seems to improve my diet tenfold… never thought I’d be thanking the daily routine of a working day 😛

New beginnings

My first blog post – it’s gonna be a long one, hopefully the proceeding ones will be a less shall we say, tl;dr.  To any who don’t know me, I am Hannah, 24, serial dieter, tipping the scales (as of last Tuesday 08/02) at 19 stone 11.

I’ve been an on/off Weightwatcher for approximately 3 years.  When I started weightwatchers I was a smoker, and found the weight came off relatively easy.  I then decided it was a bit hypocritical to be a dieter and smoke.. So I stopped smoking, and it all went a it wrong.  On and off weightwatching for another 3 years has seen me reach my highest weight of about 20&1/2 stones.

Since July 2010 I have managed to maintain my weight, only really thanks to joining my local Fitness First gym.

So I hope to update this blog on a daily-ish basis with how I am going with whatever diet I happen to be on 🙂


As of today I have almost completed week 1 of the new ProPoints plan from Weightwatchers (week start is Tuesday).  Initial opinion is that it is not quite as strict as the classic Discover plan.  I don’t feel like I am getting on wonderfully with it, but I’ll stick with it for a few more weeks and see if I can adapt.